The Magnet Motor and Free Energy AC Generator

The content of "The Magnet Motor: Making Free Energy Yourself" is not the genuine technology of the Free Energy AC generator

You may come across the book "The Magnet Motor: Making Free Energy Yourself" when you are looking for a solution to generate Free Energy.

According to the reviews, it is a very good book. Although not detailed step-by-step instructions for creating a generator, it is a book that summarizes the knowledge of the power of Magnets to create Free Energy.

However, creating a permanent imbalance of the permanent magnet system to generate a kinetic energy source, is not genuine Tesla technology that has ever produced Free Energy. Nikola Tesla's way is to turn the back electromagnetic field (Back EMF) in the harmful electromagnetic generator into a beneficial one, or cancel the Back EMF in the generator.

Magnet Motor Free Energy
Books about The Magnet Motor at Amazon and Magnet Motor technology by Nikola Tesla are different.

Nikola Tesla once sold alternating current (AC) generator technology to energy corporation George Westinghouse (1888). And of course America is the first country in the world to have a free energy AC generator.

 Some links for The Magnet Motor: Making Free Energy Yourself  and Free Energy AC Generator:

Free Energy AC Generator Plan - Genuine technology

Tesla's AC generator has many versions and was improved by Nikola Tesla himself, and Charles Proteus Steinmetz used mathematics to establish single-, three-phase, and multi-phase alternating current transmission systems.

Essentially, however, Tesla's AC generator uses no fuel, and is the connection between the induction motor and the alternator head.

Connecting an induction motor and an alternator in a simple way will not make a free energy generator. Some YouTube videos demonstrate flywheel generators, which have an induction motor and generator connected, but mostly scam videos. Because they hide the way the circuit is connected.

Watch a demonstration of a free energy AC generator:

That Video "Overunity Flywheel Generator - Self-sustaining Generator - Free Energy" is a documentary about a self-powered AC generator, along with a demonstration of the system including induction motor and generator. But they still keep the connection secret.
πŸŒ€ Free Energy AC Generator - Genuine Technology:
πŸ”‘ Free Energy Magnetic Generator and synthesizes many other technologies imbued with Nikola Tesla's technological identity πŸ”¨

βœ” Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator

Generates Energy-On-Demand: πŸ‘‰ Free Energy Will Change Our World Forever 

βœ” Combination of induction motor and alternator 
βœ” Combine generators with induction motors - self-powered generators with rotary motion
βœ” Various methods of generating high power immobile generators

βœ” Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity/Free Energy, Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words

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