Nikola Tesla Generator

Nikola Tesla Generator blueprint

The Easy DIY Power Plan is a step-by-step guide showing you EXACTLY how to create your own "home power plant" TODAY

All of the materials you need to build this will cost $106 TOTAL...

But, like I mentioned, you can probably find about 90% of those materials for FREE in your garage or at a junkyard.

Additionally, you're also going to be given a full list of tools and you’ll see exactly how to use each one to build the device so that you have an unlimited power supply inside your home.

Recent posts about Nikola Tesla generators

Tesla Turbine Generator
I do not completely agree with the explanation in the video about flywheel speed. The speed of the flywheel in the Tesla Turbine is due to the instantaneous speed being continuously accelerated. That is, the flywheel is accelerated with a constant force. 

Tesla Generator Free Energy
✔ The Real Nature of Tesla AC Generator
✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator
✔ Combination between generators
✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity or Free Energy, or Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words

Tesla Generator For Home
Today, most people still think that a generator for a house must definitely use fuel, or use a kinetic energy source in nature such as wind and water. That is the result of education for more than 100 years.

In fact, more than 100 years ago, Nikola Tesla invented many generators that do not use fuel.

Tesla Generator
The alternating current era has reached full success, with a form of free energy. That means AC generators in the US at that time did not use any fuel, or any source of kinetic energy. Hydroelectric waterfalls are only meant to show, and distract the public, that they are using the kinetic energy of the water to generate electricity. This has been a lie for over 100 years

Nikola Tesla is regarded by many as the "grandfather of electricity". Though direct current electricity had already been discovered, Tesla was responsible for the invention of alternating current electricity. This is the basis on which our modern electrical grid is able to exist.

Without Tesla's work, there would be no such thing as computers, the internet, television, power generation or many of the other things that we take for granted today.

Tesla's mainstream work has an impact on us all today. What is of greater interest though is the work that he committed the last half of his life to: zero point technology.

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