Free Energy Generator

So you want to create a free energy generator? We are all about saving the earth and conserving energy. Our energy comes from the big energy companies, and how they get that energy we use is in a dirty way. Coal is burned which releases toxic gas fumes in the air. This pollutes the air. As we all know, can cause drastic effects on the environment as well as to ourselves and animals. However many of us breath it in not knowing. It seems that now though more and more in the public eye have we heard about creating alternative forms to power our homes.

Free Energy Generator
Free Energy Generator modeled on Easy Power Plan

It seems if you possibly have a little mechanic and science know how you too can make an energy generator. The internet is filled with do it yourself how to make a free energy generator plans. There are a few types you can make too using the alternative energy around us such as solar, wind and water. The most popular method of making one is using magnetic power. Which is a bit more reliable than using wind, sun or water.. Magnetic energy is always around us where sun and wind can kind of come and go. If you live where water is scarce then using water to power is out of the question too; so using magnetic fields has become quite popular in these area's.

Free energy according to the law of thermodynamics

Two laws of thermodynamics say: There is no free energy. That is, in a mechanical system, no matter how connected, it will not be possible to create permanent motion.

However, the judgment applies only to mechanical systems, not to the electrical field.

According to the law of conservation of energy, there is literally free energy, which is energy from wind power, water flow (hydroelectricity), solar energy etc... With relatively low installation costs. expensive and inefficient, typically solar systems.

Free energy exists only in Ether

If Ether exists, Ether is real, then free energy based on a system of electrical bridges is real.

All the genius scientists who worked for the electric power companies in the early days of America used Ether field physics to calculate and set up the transmission of electricity. Their names were then hidden by energy corporations. Geniuses working for such energy corporations are: Nikola Tesla, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Walter Bowman Russell, etc.

However, mainstream science still does not accept Ether, nor does it accept free energy on the grounds that mechanical systems cannot move forever.

Why is it that when Ether exists, free energy also exists?

Because raw matter is dielectric (a stress of Ether) condenses, and so matter is also "electrical". Ether is elastic, and the free energy is in the matter itself. This is often seen in coils in electronic circuits. The phenomenon of electrical transients that lead to voltage spikes thousands of times in an instant is also caused by matter itself. And the Electric Cosmic Doctrine is also based on Ether physics.

Quoting from Eric Dollard on electrical transients that Charles Proteus Steinmetz previously used:

Very interesting (and dangerous) phenomena manifest themselves when the current path is interrupted, thereby causing infinite resistance to appear. In this case resistance is best represented by its inverse, conductance. The conductance is then zero. Because the current vanished instantly the field collapses at a velocity that of light. As EMF is directly related to velocity of flux, i towards infinity. Very powerful effects are produced because the field is attempting to maintain current by producing whatever EMF required. If a considerable amount of energy exists, say several kilowatt hours* (250 KWH for lightning stroke), the ensuing discharge can produce most profound effects and can completely destroy unsuitablely protected apparatus.

[* The energy utilized by an average household in the course of one day.]

According to Ether physics, an electric current is not a directed displacement of charge carriers. Therefore, An electrical system would not be able to use elementary particles as in quantum physics to describe. The law of thermodynamics cannot be applied to electrical systems.

Proof for electrical systems that cannot apply the laws of thermodynamics:

A version of Nikola Tesla's AC generator, self-powered mode. The key to Easy Power Plan: Voltage converter for feedback and how to wind the coil inside.

This self-powered generator with transformer version will help you reduce your electricity bill by 75% to 100% meaning complete energy independence (living off the grid of power companies): Self Powered Generator

Ken Wheeler's presentation on free energy ( 😨 FREE ENERGY Geometry & Device potential 🧐)

Free energy generator blueprint

To avert being pestered by the low-quality ones we very often just ignore them all, feeling that there is little or nothing worthwhile out there. Generally we are right. There are exceptions, however... There are sometimes a very few that may be promising, could be of great benefit.

Recommended for you:

Plan of Homemade AC Generator:

✔ The Real Nature of Tesla AC Generator 

✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator 
✔ Combine generators with induction motors - self-powered generators with rotary motion
✔ Various methods of generating high power immobile generators

✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity or Free Energy, or Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words

It's no wonder that this type of device is not wanted to get out to the world. All that money that the companies who supply energy to homes will lose. This device will make free energy for you, and it will be completely off the grid.

Using very little space up in your home, so you will be able to place it without a big space being available. Power bills will be eliminated either by half or even the complete thing depending on how much you want to use the free energy generator. Doesn't matter if it's hot or cold out the generator does not have to be in an environmentally controlled area. Materials that you need to build your generator are inexpensive and easy to find anywhere in the world.

Following the blueprints for this free energy generator are simple. Those people who don't know much about making things can even accomplish this task. Tested and used by several people now, this device may soon replace normal electric in many houses. Get on the bandwagon and see if this product will fit into your home too.

See more models of Easy Power Plan - Free energy generator blueprint:

1. 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system:

Free energy generator blueprint

2. 3D model Frictionless energy generation using flywheel:

Free energy generator blueprint


Save energy
Flywheel is used in this project due to which kinetic energy is saved while braking the electric CAR

Reduce friction
Gear mechanism is not used in this project due to which friction is reduced.

No air and environment pollution
No fuel is required to run this project due to which no exhaust of pollutants take place.

Easy power generation
Helpful for upcoming electric vehicles

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